
Supplemental Eartraining Drills

This site was created to provide additional eartraining drills after I began to study Mark Harrison's Contemporary Eartraining series (Published by Hal Leonard).

I thought it would be useful, and a fun programming exercise, to create additional drills that are random and available in any key.

- Mike Hildner (mike dot hildner at gmail dot com)

Thank Yous

A Note About Middle C / C4

This site uses the definition of C4 as Middle C (261.63 Hz).

About the Piano Samples

The piano samples were created individually using the free and open source MuseScore application, and are located here. There's also a .zip file that contains all 88 piano samples.

To create each of the 88 samples, two tied whole notes were used. Given the time signature and tempo, the duration of each sample is 10 seconds.

How the Audio is Generated

Using the samples described above, the free and open source NAudio audio and MIDI library is used to read the samples, combine / mix if necessary (e.g. for melodies / chords), then save to .mp3 files. The resulting .mp3 files are what gets played.

How the Transciptions are Generated

Transcriptions are rendered using VexFlow, an open-source online music notation rendering API.

About the Source Code

The code for this web site is written using the free Visual Studio Community Edition, and is open source. Feel free to check out the source code on GitHub to take a look, or better yet, contribute!

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